Monday, October 28, 2019

Sluggish Monday

I wake up feeling like I have already had the most exhausting day. I suspect my sleep is getting less and less restorative as this flare up goes on. I shuffle to the couch. I shuffle to the kitchen. I shuffle back to bed. My socks on the carpet get very staticky haha.

I feel like my arms are disconnecting from my shoulders. I feel the blood sluggish in my arms and hands. Sometimes I drink coffee at 5pm because I feel like I never really woke up.

Got the loveliest care package from my aunt, uncle, and cousins in Ewing, NJ! Y'all are so sweet and wonderful. Thank you.

People ask what I need. Today I discovered I have a very specific need. I have been spending quite a bit of time on the couch... and a seam on my couch has popped! Do I know anyone skilled in a little light upholstery mending?

I love podcasts. Kate Bowler is amazing and all of her guests are so enlightening and brave and inspiring.

Wishing you sleep that refreshes your body, mind, and spirit.


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