Saturday, October 19, 2019

Finding Myself in Limitation

My eyes have been fluttery most of the day. Pre-seizure-y episodes mean I ought not to drive or do anything strenuous. Body feels heavy and mostly useless. Ears and eyes sensitive at different times, meaning that when I woke up this morning, I listened to a 90 minute podcast with my eyes closed, whereas later in the day I watched muted TV with the subtitles on. My brain is just foggy and doesn't do well with too much stimulation.

Jeopardy! episodes are fun. I love PBS and PBS Digital Studios. I love The Liturgists podcast and think Hillary McBride is so wise and inspiring and well-spoken.

I set tiny goals for myself throughout the day. I am proud that, over the course of a couple hours, I broke down a bunch of boxes and took them out to the recycling. Now back on the couch.

My world feels like it is getting smaller rather quickly, and yet untold dimensions of my mind beckon. There's an amazing sort of freedom that comes with physical disability, time, and internet access. I don't like being sick, believe me, but I feel like God is inviting me to flip the script. Am I sad that I feel crummy? You bet. Will I let POTS have the last word? No way! This is time and space and opportunity for exploration of podcasts and movies and subjects that will add to the depth of my humanity, and in turn (I hope), the depth of the ministry God calls me to.

Missing the family gathering tonight because I feel super lousy and can't drive, but will see some folks tomorrow.

a horse named nugget,

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