Monday, March 16, 2009

Cocoa Puffs

Last night I think I slept from 3-4:30am and 8-11am. I don't understand why it's so hard for me to get a good night's sleep. And I don't know why the docs are so averse to putting me on prescription sleep meds. must...sleep...aggh.

Symptoms today: palpitations, hot & cold, migraines, my feet feel really heavy. Harder to get around. Fatigued. etc.

So tomorrow's the big day. Tilt table test at LF Hospital early early. I'm a bit nervous I won't "pass" and be diagnosed with POTS because 1) my palpitations don't necessarily go away or slow down when I'm sitting or lying down and 2) I haven't noticed blood pooling in my legs and feet like a lot of other POTS patients have.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who's been reading this, and keeping me and my family in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks especially to a few who've sent "good luck charms," --very appropriate for St. Patrick's Day! :) I'm so blessed to have such great friends and family. Oh, and I hope I've answered a lot of questions by adding the lists on the right column. Thanks for your emails and advice! =)

love and four-leaf clovers,


  1. emma, I hope all will go well tomorrow. you remain in my prayers. As you said in an earlier post your "mom is most excellent." how true. i think i read that cold climates might be worse for you. know that you and your family always have a place here in nc. (house or tent) love to you and the family

  2. Glad to see that you added the symptoms on the side. More info is always better.

  3. Aw thanks Aunt Liz! It's supposed to hit 70 here tomorrow, but thanks for the offer :) love and miss you all!
