Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Back at Work!

Saturday - good day
Sunday - didn't sleep. bad day.
Monday - ok day. Prayerfully decided it was time to give it a try to see if I could return to work.
Tuesday - First day back after being on leave for almost 2 months. Worked 3 hrs. Sore, eyes tired, but happy to be around people again! Hopeful.
Wednesday (today) - worked 5 hrs. I literally come home and crash on the couch with music and an eye pillow since I've been looking at bright screens all day. But I think I can make this work.

Will work 5 hrs/day for the remainder of the week and then return to my normal 30 hrs/wk (6 hrs/day M-F) beginning Monday. I'm exhausted just thinking about it. But with classes being done til February, I know I need to get off the couch if I can. Challenge myself to get stronger. Nights and weekends will be for resting my body, my mind, my eyes, my aching hands. I'm very blessed and grateful that my work is so close to where I live, so I don't have to worry about a long commute.

We'll see how I handle this week. I would love to be able to go back to church soon but am not holding my breath either (since it is at least 35 min drive one way on Sundays).

penguins dancing with candy canes,

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