Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Ramona Quimby

My mom and I will be traveling to San Diego in the first week of December. To take this trip is a risk to my health and a huge inconvenience. It is solely to see if my autonomic system can function properly. We are all desperate for something that will help my medical condition. It is NOT a vacation for me and certainly not for my mom, who will still be working while we are away.

My illness has been excruciatingly difficult for my whole family. Most people could not possibly understand.

A challenge to stay sitting/standing. Off the beta blockers and started SSRI Celexa. Adjusting for the next week or two.

Send more brain to my oxygen. More info later!



  1. I know what you mean, it is so hard on loved ones. Best wishes for the trip, I hope it's a success.

  2. I wish you good luck on your trip!! Do you happen to know where these "happy barometric pressure" places are in Canada? I'm most interested.

  3. We are praying for you Emma!
