Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My Birthday!

And for this, my 19th birthday, I give thanks. After all we've been through, I'm still here.

What a year.

I want to thank everyone who's been so supportive, especially of the Dysautonomia Petition. We are over 1,100 - and still going strong! I wish I had the energy to acknowlege everyone individually. Here's my great big thank-you:


ha. ha.

(The link again! http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/dysautonomia-awareness.html )

What, a year? Jeez I miss you people. Thank you to everyone who's kept in touch, even in small ways. I think I may have accidently disabled comments on the blog - sorry! Let me know if it's working now.

Celebrate. New day. New year. Ready, go.



  1. Well I think today certainly fits in with your monthly theme- October Greats.
    How fitting this is your birth month as you are truly great!

    Don't lose faith, sometimes it's necessary to suffer through the bleakest days of winter to emerge in the warmth & beauty of spring.
    May this be the winter leading to your spring, a return to the vibrant Emma you once knew.
    I hope you are able to see that even with all you have been through you are truly an inspiration
    For that we thank you.

    Happy Birthday Emma!

  2. Wow, what a moving tribute to you dear Emma. Whoever posted that comment before mine, they made me tear up. Just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday and may all your dreams come true...soon!
    Love and hugs,
    Another fellow Potsie

  3. Happy Birthday Emma! Hoping today is one of the good days.

  4. Happy Birthday Emma,
    My wish for you is strength, energy and healing. I know that you will recover from this disease that has struck you and I admire the depths of your courage.
    Happiest of birthday wishes,
    Cheryl, Steve, Ashley and Drew

  5. Emma,
    Happy Belated Birthday sweetie. I'm sorry I'm a day late but I still was thinking about you. Also, although I signed your petition long ago, Randy, Katherine, Brian and my sister all signed today. Yea!! Hope it works!
