Tuesday, January 27, 2015

English Breakfast Tea

It's all coming together! God is so good!

I am healthy! I am driving! I am working! I am moving out in less than three weeks! I AM SO HAPPY!

I want to post pictures of my baby (my rental) but I can't figure out how to get them off the website. At any rate, it'll be more fun when I'm in the picture!

Just waiting for the paperwork to go through and everything to be finalized. Then I have to pack up all my stuff! Whoa! I mean, my place is only 10 minutes away from where I currently live, but I haven't moved since I was 11! So I may need help figuring this stuff out.

Oh look! I got the picture to work! I'm the first floor unit. :-) Don't worry, aunties of the world. It's very safe. And I have British neighbors! :-)

More to come...


p.s. I took away the picture b/c it showed my address and wasn't too comfy with that. If you would like my address, just let me know! :-)

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