Tuesday, January 13, 2015

McNulty's Chamomile Tea

I've got a thing for chamomile this week, it seems.

Pre-seizure episodes three days in a row. Brief, but it counts nonetheless. [Insert your favorite expletive]. If Mom were here, she wouldn't let me mope. She'd throw me in the car and take me to the gym where we'd endure a grueling, sometimes (ok, a lot of times) tear-filled workout. She wouldn't let me get sedentary, complacent. She challenged me.

I wish I had the strength to challenge myself in the same way.

Trying to be patient and gentle with myself. But what if that's what's making me sicker? Around in circles I go. And back to the couch to watch "Call the Midwife" and cry, because I used to watch it with my mom, and every episode is about motherhood.

Today's sage advice comes from somebody. I don't remember who. "Get into community. They will lift you up. Plus it's good just to get out of the house."

Women's Bible Study this morning, Spirited Women tomorrow night. Check and check.

Keep breathing, baby emma.


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