Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Uprising - Muse

Some improvement with the weather and swimming. I read 10 whole pages today! Nice brain.

Tomorrow is the one-year anniversary of my POTS diagnosis. I have no concept of how much time has passed. Leaving Thursday to drive with my mom and sister to Toledo, and we'll see Dr. Beverly on Friday morning (Good Friday?! =]) I don't know what she'll say or do, but I know I can take anything.

My brother's going to Japan for six months...in eight hours. Mario Party? I think so.

One year closer to recovery,


  1. Emma,
    Hang in there. You have been so strong in the face of all you have been through. Praying that your appointment Friday brings you new ideas, peace, relief, a large dose of hope and whatever you need most.
    We will all be waiting to hear how it goes!
    Hope your brother has a safe trip.

  2. Good luck on Friday - safe journey for you, your mom and Julia. Thinking of all of you.
    Have you heard from your brother yet?
