Thursday, August 20, 2009

Kyrie - Mr Mister

Don't mean to brag, don't want to jinx anything, but legit, folks.

Wednesday may have been the best day I've had this year. *eee! yay!*

Practically symptom-free, on my feet mostly from 8 to 5. I was tired at the end of the day, a little foggy, some palpitations, but WHOA this is really encouraging. Progress! I should be the new spokesperson for 5-Hour Energy. I'm standing, walking, reading, driving, swimming, cleaning? I mean seriously. My room is clean.

My mental and physical fatigue were virtually beat. I don't really know how. I can't say for sure if it'll last (please!). But I have so much hope! Yay! And I'm driving! Epic.

Today's been a little slower, resting up, still good. :)

I'm reading a novel I really enjoyed a few years ago. The narrator, to this point, is a mischievous 5-year-old. Her latest adventure? Finding a fitting name for a stray cat. "Kyrie Eleison! Dona! Dona Nobis Pacem! Panis Angelicus? Adeste Fideles? Agnus Dei?!"


later, Latin,


  1. Hey Emma,
    I know that you are feeling better because the days you add to your blog are becoming further and further apart- GREAT FOR YOU!!!Thrilled you are going to do the 5 classes at community college.
    Love, Aunt Cheryl

  2. Great news!!!! How about Carpe Diem?!
