Saturday, April 30, 2011

Downriver Cardiology

My appointment with Dr. Felix Rogers in Trenton, Michigan went well! It was worth the trip. He may be the best doctor I've seen for POTS. His "interview" was thorough and his manner radiates humility and encouragement- I'd recommend Dr. Rogers in an instant. He truly puts his patients first. His philosophy centers on getting off the meds and strengthening the heart through exercise. I've started the first already; today is my first day in two years that I haven't taken Florinef. Dr. Rogers has instructed me to continue to get plenty of salt in my diet, but taking a pill to help it (especially after so long) is unnecessary. Avoiding side effects is my favorite!

Dr. Rogers is so knowledgeable about POTS. Check out his website.

I love live theatre and music. That world is so tempting. Hope I don't turn into an arts bum someday, hanging around Will Call, asking for free tickets. :)

Physically I'm doing good-not-great. Sunny days help me out a lot. Tell them to stick around!



  1. i came off florinef a year ago. once off it i managed to put on 5 kgs (that i desperately needed!). If was difficult to come off, but I did it slowly. There were just increased dizzy spells and such. Being off it is the same as being on it, so I don't think it was doing much for me.


  2. oops, for got to mention, good luck with it!!!

    I'm interested in hearing about how you go with this new regime!!!!


  3. I'm glad it was worth the trip. Hooray for taking fewer drugs!

    Live theatre and music make life better for everyone.

    I'll do my best with the sunny days thing, but I can't really make any promises. I study weather, but I can't really control it.

    Also, thanks for turning me onto Story Corps. They are super-neato.


  4. I'm so glad that it went well! And I'm super happy to hear that you're still so optimistic, even though this has been really hard for you. I hope that your recovery is as fast as it possibly can be for POTS so you can come back to Champana. We miss you here!

    I will certainly have to come out and see you over the summer. :)

    <3 Erin

  5. Hi Emma,

    I just came across your site while googling Dr. Felix Rogers. I read you blog post about your experience with him. I had sent him an email two days ago asking several questions and he immediately responded asking for my phone number so that he could call me. I live in SC. He is going to call me this weekend. I am considering flying up there to go see him if he thinks he needs to evaluate me. I was wondering if the treatment method he suggested for you is working and are you doing well? I am a 36 year old mom and wife and really not sure when my POTS set in but I’m thinking a little over 3 years ago. I take a beta blocker that works great and walk almost daily. I hope for a positive prognosis in my future. Fortunately, with the combination of my meds and walking, I feel normal and my heart rate stays normal. Unfortunately though, I do wish I didn’t have to be on a beta blocker. Any thoughts you can add about him and any follow-ups you had with him?

    Thank you,
    Natalie Daugherty
