Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Welcome to the Midwest, land of  freak late-October windstorms. Correction: windstorm, singular. We haven't had anything close to this in a long time. Today, in fact, Chicago meteorologists recorded the city's lowest (barometric) pressure in 70 years.

 Huh. Who woulda thunk it. I am doing awesome. AWESOME! I've been so hyper and multitasking online and reading and free music downloads are everywhere! Happy! Also somewhat confused, and wondering if I'll crash tomorrow. Whatever! Don't question it! :)

Brooke Fraser's new album. Yay.


Saturday, October 23, 2010


Hello! Birthday week: excellent. Movies: Fun. Got complimented on my shoes. Me and my social justice are quite a trendy pair. Book sale: Swoon. Speechless. Nat King Cole 2-disc CD for $3. Givemethatit'smybirthday! 

Sleeping somewhat better. But still losing weight. Bad. It's tough to eat when I have no appetite. This week I was looking forward to a presentation for an alternative therapy, but felt sick all of a sudden and had to miss it. Mrf. Will try again next time.

Events of my life may be seemingly out of order. Yes. Yes they are, to me. But what I love about right now is the time I have to explore and create and imagine...absolutely anything. There's a kind of freedom in prison. Am I stuck? Looks like it. Feels icky. And slow. And not very fun. But at the same time, I'm learning to embrace the simple things, to identify what's important, and truly to escape pain through music, art, etc. It's a discipline. I guess it's like meditation, except more like Fantasia. I'll try to explain it more when I can.

I'm so thankful for this year. I turned 20 on 10/20/2010. I outlived Joan of Arc. What's next? :)

Hope you all are having a terrific autumn!

Saturday, October 16, 2010


i guess i don't have too much to say. this song speaks. blessings and potato chips, emma

lyrics from "Season" by Jenny & Tyler

after eeg’s and mri’s, i can’t explain why you’d put me through this
and when hamlet’s lines are filled with rhymes, i have a hard time seeing what your plan is

You say all things work together for my good
You say be patient but i wish you would...

show me what this season in my life is for
i’ve been trying to seek You, seems You're shutting every door
show me what this season in my life is for
‘cause i want so much more, so much more

the doctor called to say today the medication isn’t going my way
your paper doesn’t speak to me, reads red ink in every margin I see

You say ask and seek and knock and you will find
why won't You calm the worries on my mind

show me what this season in my life is for i’ve been trying to seek You, seems You're shutting every door
show me what this season in my life is for
‘cause i want so much more, so much more

work your renewal through my soul
bring me through the fire as gold
Living water come and pour over me
wash me clean

show me what this season in my life is for i’ve been trying to seek You, seems You're shutting every door
show me what this season in my life is for
‘cause i want so much more, so much more

Sunday, October 10, 2010


[In music, a 64th note.]

It is the tenth day of the tenth month of the tenth year, and my birthday is in ten days! 10/10/10, T minus 10. To quote a personal hero of mine: Tender.

Tomorrow I start a new adventure! It's a dietary supplement called Max GXL. A POTSie friend of mine has significantly improved on it. It may take about 3 months to see a difference. And - GO!

I want to conduct Niska Banja. I miss my choirs.

mindy is so cool!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Bad day. Bad couple of days. It's getting cold out, which I normally don't mind at all, but now POTS is beating me up bad. BAD. Stupid pain. Go away forever. Leave us all alone! Nyah!

Have to eat. Have to sleep. Keep finding music, keep, keep, sleep.

Fare thee well, Cathy. You and your sales clerks will always be a part of my inner shopping psyche. ACK!
