Saturday, April 30, 2011

Downriver Cardiology

My appointment with Dr. Felix Rogers in Trenton, Michigan went well! It was worth the trip. He may be the best doctor I've seen for POTS. His "interview" was thorough and his manner radiates humility and encouragement- I'd recommend Dr. Rogers in an instant. He truly puts his patients first. His philosophy centers on getting off the meds and strengthening the heart through exercise. I've started the first already; today is my first day in two years that I haven't taken Florinef. Dr. Rogers has instructed me to continue to get plenty of salt in my diet, but taking a pill to help it (especially after so long) is unnecessary. Avoiding side effects is my favorite!

Dr. Rogers is so knowledgeable about POTS. Check out his website.

I love live theatre and music. That world is so tempting. Hope I don't turn into an arts bum someday, hanging around Will Call, asking for free tickets. :)

Physically I'm doing good-not-great. Sunny days help me out a lot. Tell them to stick around!


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Frostbite Falls

Rough week. Rain, snow, wind, more rain. I've been trudging through, cursing the brain fog when it rears its ugly head. Eyes squinty, mind spacey, I can't let myself think about anything when I'm fighting it. It's like a migraine. So frustrating, the pain. But easier to endure, I must say, knowing that my body can somehow remember how to be healthy and productive.

Tomorrow my mom and I depart to Michigan to see a new POTS doctor on Monday. Road trip!

Happy Easter and Earth Day,

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Pier 1

Four bad days. Stormy. Very fatigued. Missed a trip to visit with friends at college. Bummed me out.

I'm feeling pulled in different directions. What I have to do versus what I want to do, and when/how/why I'm doing it;  finding time for myself/hobbies/family/friends/work. It's so easy to get overscheduled when you have the interest and energy and basic funding to do whatever you want. I guess it's that whole life balance equation, whether it exists. We're all looking for it, aren't we? Balance. Mm. That sounds nice.

Tomorrow tax season is officially over! Squee.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


I'm doing great. Totally excellent. I haven't written in two weeks, that's how excellent. :) I'm working as a file clerk for the firm, hanging out with friends, reading-- I could go on! I feel like I'm making huge strides towards what now look like realistic goals: gaining weight and building muscle, being able to drive, getting back to school/work and a normal life, getting off medications. It's still a day at a time, don't get me wrong. But my mind and body have proven so resilient after working three days this week. I'm so excited! Still keeping an eye on my eating and weight. I'm looking forward to seeing the Michigan doctor in a couple weeks.

later days!